Welcome to study at the University of Turku!

Activate UTU account (IT user account)

When the registration is completed you can activate your UTU-account for IT services. 

Please note that all official information will be sent to UTU e-mail only.

If you have problems concerning your UTU-account, please contact IT services (helpdesk [at] utu.fi)

Study register Peppi

Peppi is the University's study register, where information on study rights and credits are entered.

  • Check all the personal information entered into study register system
    • Personal data is stored in Peppi in the same format as it is in Finnish Population Information System of the Digital and Population Information Agency.
      • We receive the change of name and home address directly from the Digital and Population Information Agency.
      • Please inform the Student Centre Disco if you have received a Finnish identity code or Finnish citizenship.
      • Update your contact information and your permission to use your information. You can do these updates yourself in Peppi.
  • Check your current study rights and targeted study time
  • Register with the University as attending or non-attending
    • Yo can find a link to Oili registration service
    • Print out a certificate of registration
    • You will get an official certificate from the Student Centre Disco or your Faculty Office
  • Make your personal study plan (PSP or hops in Finnish)
  • Register for courses and exams according to the rules by your faculty
  • Check your course results
    • a transcript of study records lists all the courses completed and credits accumulated (by the study right)
    • print out a transcript of your study records

The results for completed study units are entered into the study register in the departments. Please check that your transcript is updated correctly.

In order to login to Peppi you need to have an active UTU-account for IT services at the University.

After receiving UTU-account you can read more information on Peppi at the university's intranet.

Finnish identity number

International students staying longer than three months in Finland should obtain a Finnish identity number

Finnish ID is needed for example for opening a bank account, activating your electronics student card and for university database as well as for statistical purposes.

  • When you have the identity number, please scan the decision paper you got and send it to the Student Centre Disco.
  • Local register office will be in the Student Centre Disco at the beginning of September and January. If you get the Finnish identity number then, you don't have to send it to Disco anymore.

Your Finnish identity number will be updated in Peppi (Personal details).

Student Union membership and student card

Student union membership

  • Student Union membership is compulsory for undergraduate (Bachelor/Master) students and voluntary for exchange and PhD students (Universities Act 558/2009, 46§).
  • Other students are not eligible to join the Student Union. Therefore students in non-degree or specialisation studies are not allowed to join the Student Union.

Student Card

  • Student card is a sign of your membership in Student Union.
  • After paying the Student Union fee, you can order your student card on Tuudo or on Frank. Tuudo App and Frank App can be downloaded for Android and iOS phones. You can download either one of them or both.
  • It is possible to order a student card only after 1 Aug.

Please read more information on student benefits and student card in Student Union website.

Attending bachelor’s/master’s degree student: remember to pay the student healthcare fee to Kela (once per term)


  • Students who are liable to pay the fee are students who have registered as attending and who are completing a bachelor's or master's level university degree.
  • You do not have to pay the healthcare fee if you have social security coverage from another EU/EEA country or from Switzerland or the United Kingdom. Even if you do not have to pay the fee, you can still use the services of the Finnish Student Health Service. Read more: How should I proceed if I have social security coverage in another EU/EEA country or in Switzerland or the United Kingdom? (Kela's update from 1 July 2022)
  • Incoming exchange students, students in open university and students in tailor-made, customer-specific training programmes are not entitled to use the services of the Finnish Student Health Service, and thus they do not have to pay the healthcare fee.

Starting in January 2021, students in universities of applied sciences and academic universities who are entitled to use the services of the Finnish Student Health Service (YTHS) will pay a healthcare fee to Kela.

  • The student union membership fee no longer includes the health care fee.
  • The amount that must be paid is defined in a Government Decree and may vary from year to year. In 2023, the student healthcare fee in higher education will be EUR 36,80 per term.


  • The fee must be paid even if you do not use FSHS services.
  • The fee is paid to Kela once per term, i.e., twice a year. The due dates are:
    • The due date for the spring semester is January 31, if you have registered to attend by then. If you register for the spring term 1.2. or after, the due date is 31.7.
    • The due date for the autumn semester is September 30, if you have registered to attend by then. If you register for the autumn semester 1.10. or after, the due date is 31.12.


  • A. If you have Finnish online banking credentials:
    • he healthcare fee can be paid via Kela's e-service (in Finnish): Hakemukset ja ilmoitukset > Korkeakouluopiskelijan terveydenhoitomaksu
    • On the e-service, you will be directed to your online bank to effect the payment, or you can print the payment details for later use.
  • B. If you cannot use the e-service for instance because you do not have Finnish online banking credentials:
    • Please pay the fee to Kela as a bank transfer. Please see Kela's webpage for the payment details.
  • Please read more information on payments at Kela website.


Information on the services and the service network of the Finnish Student Health Service is available on the website of the Finnish Student Health Service.

Information for doctoral candidates

University of Turku Graduate School (UTUGS)

Student Union membership and Student card

  • Student Union membershion is voluntary for PhD students.
  • You pay the membership fee in Oili service when registering with the University. Contact the Student Centre Disco if you want to join the Student Union later. Please remember to tell you student number or Finnish ID code in your message to Disco.
  • After paying the student union membership fee you may order a student card as a sign of your membership in the Student Union
  • It is possible to order a student card only after 1 Aug (in case your study right begin in Autumn semester).

Please note that benefits for PhD students are limited compared to benefits for Bachelor and Master level students.

Students from ÅAU whose JOO study right has been given automatically

In some degree programmes opererated together with Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU) and University of Turku (UTU) the study right for non-degree studies in UTU is given automatically.

  • In these programmes the study right in UTU is valid only for the same time as the Bachelor's/Master's study right in ÅAU.
  • Also the registration in UTU requires registering in ÅAU. The status of registration and study right will be checked from ÅAU annually.
  • If the student hasn't registered with ÅAU the registration in UTU will be canceled.
  • When the student graduates in ÅAU the stydy is no longer valid in UTU.
  • Studies from Åbo Akademi University are not transferred automatically to UTU
    • Students need to apply for the credit transfer personally.
Students in FITech Network

Welcome to FITech studies at the University of Turku!

You have been granted a study right for the FITech courses you have applied for. Your study right is valid for two academic years. As a FITech student you don't need to register separately for the academic year. You have been registered automatically for the duration of your study right.

  • You can find you study right number in study register system, Peppi.
  • You can also check and update your personal information there.

You will need a University of Turku username and password, UTU-account, to login to Peppi and your UTU email

  • Please remember to read you UTU email, because through email you will get important information regarding your studies. You can re-direct your UTU emails to yous home university's email.

University of Turku Study Guide is important portal for you for all information relating to studies and courses

  • Remember to sign up for the courses!
  • You can find all of the course information and schedules in the Study Guide.
  • Signing up for courses, exercise groups and exams in done via Peppi.

Credit transfer to your home university

  • You are responsible for providing your home university with information on completed courses.
  • If your home university is Finnish and part of the Puro network, you may send studies to your home university through Puro application.
  • If your home university is abroad or does not use Puro application, a transcript of records can be obtained from Peppi or from Student Centre Disco upon request. Please remember to tell you student number or Finnish ID code in your message to Disco.

Privacy Notice of Processing Personal Data of Students in Education

Contact Details

Network University FITech https://fitech.io/

Registration in the following years

Your registration with the University is valid for one academic year at the time.

In the following years

  • all Bachelor's, Master's or PhD students need to register with the University personally in Oili registration system
  • in non-degree studies the registration is entered automatically for the whole study time
  • in some programmes in the Faculty of Medicine the registration is entered automatically for a certain period on time and after that the student needs to register personally

You will receive information from the Student Centre Disco to your UTU email when the registration period is valid.

  • If you need to register personally, you will receive information from the Student Centre Disco to your UTU email address when the registration period is valid.


Personal information and data protection

According to section 26 of the Act on Personal Data Register (523/99) the registered person has the right to check the information entered in the register concerning himself/herself. You can see the information in Peppi. If there are errors in your data, please contact the Student Centre Disco. Please remember to tell you student number or Finnish ID code in your message to Disco.

It is important that you keep your personal information updated!

  • Personal data is stored in Peppi in the same format as it is in Finnish Population Information System of the Digital and Population Information Agency.
    • We receive the change of name and home address directly from the Digital and Population Information Agency.
    • You can update your contact information and permission to release your personal data in Peppi by yourself.
    • Please inform the Student Centre Disco if you have received a Finnish identity code or Finnish citizenship.
  • Please read more specific information on general instructions for university registration.
  • Privacy Notice of Processing Personal Data of Students in Education

According to EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)  the registered person has the right to check the information entered in the register concerning himself/herself. You can see the information in Peppi. If there are errors in your data, please contact the Student Centre Disco.